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    Aliquot sequence query variable does not work

    Hi, I was after some extra information on how the query variable aliquot sequence is meant to work. It does not seem to work in our system in current (v5.0.2) and previous versions. i.e. Create a query, check specimen counts, then add to the query aliquot sequence = 1 or aliquot sequence = exists which yields no specimens.
    FYI we do not have the system level aliquot label set in production, but when I did assign this in test and mandatory aliquot quantity is enabled, aliquot sequence still does not work.
    Any tips to get this working?
    Many thanks

    Are your aliquots closed out. When aliquots are closed, the aliquot sequence gets set to 0.

    Thanks very much Kenneth.
    Unfortunately this does not result in an aliquot sequence number for me as it seems to for you. Neither for the closed nor the active aliquots.

    May I ask, how is aliquot sequence useful to you in the context of closed specimens? I ask since closing the specimen/aliquot registers it as a disposal and removes its stored location at which point I would not really need to routinely track it.

    What I thought the field was meant to be, and as it was explained to me at some point by Krishagni, was a way to list only one aliquot per patient/collection rather than all redundant aliquots (or at least that was my interpretation).

    Many thanks again Kenneth