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    Create field for aliquot container type


    When setting up a ‘Specimen’ it has a field labelled ‘Collection Container’. I would like to load a JSON file to add a field ‘Container type’ for the aliquots. It is important we know what tube the derivative is stored in.

    Is this possible? If so, is there a table and field name available to use?

    Thanks for any adivce.

    From further reading it looks like custom forms is the way to go to do this. JSON is used to remove the default fields.


    Hi @John_M,

    Yes, you can add field ‘Container Type’ by creating custom form.

    Follow below steps:

    1. Create custom form having field ‘Container Type’
    2. Attach this form to ‘Specimen Custom Fields’ level
    3. The field ‘Container Type’ will appear on main page of specimens. Please note this will appear for parent as well as aliquots.

    For more details, refer to wiki page.

    If you want to display this field only for aliquots, you can apply rules using workflow JSON. Refer to https://openspecimen.atlassian.net/wiki/x/NYAHBg for example code.


    Hi Shraddha,

    Thank you for your reply.
    I have not been able to get this to work. I first made a new form and attached it to ‘Specimen Custom Fields’ level, but they did not appear. I then went back and used the default built-in form ‘Specimen Additional Fields’, which was already attached to the ‘Specimen Custom Fields’ level. But they also do not appear on this screen:-

    I am not sure where I should be looking for the Specimen Custom Fields to appear, as this is where I was expecting it for Parent sample, derivative and aliquots.

    Could you tell me where I might be going wrong please?

    Best wishes,

    The Specimen custom fields go to the ‘Specimen main page’. This would mean a user manually entering a container type for each sample post collection, which no one has time for. This would also be the case for the extra fields we record - preparation type and treatment type.
    Preparation type is held under events in OS, but there is no way to automatically trigger an event on a samples collection, meaning it would need to be auto-recorded in a field.

    Is there a way to add new fields to the sample template shown on the screenshot in my previous message?
