• BLOG
  • Custom Report Queries

    Is it possible to create queries in OpenSpecimen based on your own SQL and have them available from the queries page? Could these queries include non OpenSpecimen tables (assuming the table is stored in the same database, but different schema)?

    Hi Matt,

    1. You cannot create a custom query using SQLs and make it available on the query page.

    2. You can create a custom “Job” using SQLs and make it available on the Jobs page. See below URL for details: https://openspecimen.atlassian.net/wiki/x/CgBeAw

    3. To make it available via query page the option is:
      a. Create a custom form that replicates the external table
      b. Import the data via BO. Use “auto bulk import” for automated import.
      c. Build queries the usual way including the new custom fields and share on the query page.
