• BLOG
  • Label error while creating aliquot or derivative in v.1.2

    I’ve tried to create an aliquot and a derivative from plasma and DNA in v. 1.2 and keep getting an error message, saying ERROR! Label is required. The label is auto-generated and we can’t change it to put anything in. Is there a way to fix or override this as it is seriously causing problems for us.

    Hi Amy,

    I’m working on the auto labeling system at the moment and it’s taken me a bit of trial and error to figure it out. Could you possible take screen shots of:

    • Specimen label format in CP at CP level
    • Specimen label format of parent specimen
    • Specimen label format of aliquot and derivaties

    There might be some clashing tokens.


    Hope this is what you need, please let me know if it isn’t and I will get anything else. Thank you!!

    cp_1.docx (215.2 KB)
    cp_2.docx (213.5 KB)
    cp_3.docx (211.3 KB)
    cp_4.docx (211.0 KB)

    Hi @Amy_Wells,

    Can you please send the screenshot of the page where you get the error, please mask any PHI if present.


    error_os.docx (155.7 KB)

    Hi @Amy_Wells

    According to the label format you have used(%BARCODE% token), you need to enter a value in barcode field so that it can be used to generate label but in the screenshot you sent looks like you have configured to auto generate both label and barcode. This is conflicting so it is not able to generate the label.

    Turn off auto generation of barcode at system level so that you can enter it manually.


    Hi Poornima,

    How to turn on auto generation of barcode at system level ? Could you please tell me where I can find the settings.
