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    OpenSpecimen - March 2015 Community Meet

    Date: 11th March, Wednesday at 9am CST / 10 AM EST / 7 AM PST

    Below is the agenda and call-in details.


    1. OpenSpecimen v2.0 dev updates
    2. OpenSpecimen v2.0 latest build demo
    3. v2.0 requirements planned for U of Leicester and SingHealth
    4. Discussion about v2.0 questions posted on the forum:
    1. Any other updates from the community

    Call details:

    1. Meeting URL: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/966179661
    2. Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) or call in using your telephone.
      Dial +1 (510) 443-0605
      Access Code: 966-179-661
      Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting
      Meeting ID: 966-179-661

    OpenSpecimen Development Team @ Krishagni

    Thanks everyone for the attendance. Feel free to post any additional comments if we have missed any.

    a. Poornima gave an update and a live demo of the latest v2.0 build.

    • Roles
    • Creating users, roles, and CPs
    • Handling storage container hierarchy and restrictions
    • Participant and specimen collection
    • Mock screens for rapid data entry at Univ of Leicester

    Next demo:

    • Ordering UI
    • Label generation
    • Printing labels without print service
    • Filtering cards
    • Global search
    • Any other pending items
    1. Discussions:
      a. Aliquot collection: Whether a single big text box where aliquots can be scanned would be useful in case where all aliquots have same quantity and container. It should be possible to toggle to one-row-per-aliquot since there might be cases where quantity and containers are different. It was discussed that in some cases aliquot qty might change per aliquot (e.g. a 4.5ml parent could be aliquoted to 4 x 1ml and 1x0.5ml tubes).

    b. Auto container: It is important to support auto container since it would be helpful in optimally utilizing the freezer space.

    c. Custom forms: It should be possible to configure data entry of forms as “mandatory”. In such cases, system should not allow user to go to the “next step” unless data for those forms are collected. There should be a visual cue on the screen that the forms have to be completed.

    d. Print service: We are in the process of eliminating the “print web service”. OpenSpecimen will directly submit the information to the printer software.


    Hi Sri

    I couldn’t attend yesterday; had a meeting. Did you record the session by any chance?

    It seems I missed a lot!



    Hello Nadia,

    Only webinars are recorded, not monthly end user meetings.


    Hello Poornima,

    Ok thanks for the update.


    Hi @pgovindrao
    Is there a link available to access the recorded webinars?

    Hey Matt,

    There is this link for the videos: https://catissueplus.atlassian.net/wiki/display/CAT/Videos.

    Not sure if this included all webinars.
