• BLOG
  • Specimen Aliquot import fails with "Specimen label is required." for all rows

    I am having problems trying to import specimen aliquots. We have a custom form attached to Specimens so the downloaded template looks like this:

    CP Short Title,Parent Specimen Label,Quantity per Aliquot,Number of Aliquots,Container,Start Row,Start Column,Start Position,Created On,Freeze/Thaw Cycles,Increment Parent Freeze/Thaw Cycles,Close Parent,SpecimenPlus#TOR Specific Fields,SpecimenPlus#TOR General Type,SpecimenPlus#TOR Specimen Type,SpecimenPlus#Processing Time,SpecimenPlus#WBC/Fluid Prep,SpecimenPlus#Vial Full ,SpecimenPlus#Specimen Condition ,SpecimenPlus#Tissue Site,SpecimenPlus#Tissue Type,SpecimenPlus#TOR Location,SpecimenPlus#TOR Reserve,SpecimenPlus#Specimen Pool ,SpecimenPlus#Pathology from Histo I Report,SpecimenPlus#Main Path Diagnosis,SpecimenPlus#Main Path Comments,SpecimenPlus#Pathology Group ,SpecimenPlus#Sub Class,SpecimenPlus#Sub Class Comments,SpecimenPlus#Differentiation,SpecimenPlus#Entered By,SpecimenPlus#Pathology Entered,SpecimenPlus#Pathology from Histo II Report,SpecimenPlus#Main Path Diagnosis 2,SpecimenPlus#Main Path Comments 2,SpecimenPlus#Pathology Group 2,SpecimenPlus#Sub Class 2,SpecimenPlus#Sub Class Comments 2,SpecimenPlus#Percent Necrosis,SpecimenPlus#Percent Normal Cells,SpecimenPlus#Percent Infiltration,SpecimenPlus#Percent Viable,SpecimenPlus#Foreign Specimen,SpecimenPlus#Foreign Name,SpecimenPlus#Foreign Group,SpecimenPlus#Foreign Patient,SpecimenPlus#Foreign Source

    I verified that the “Parent Specimen Label” exists in OpenSpecimen by doing a search on that value. I find it a bit odd that is is asking for “Specimen label” when there only label in the import is the “Parent Specimen Label”.

    Any insights you can provide would be helpful. Thanks!

    1 Like

    I have the same issue. How are specimen labels for the aliquots entered?

    Hi @Lindsay_Bergan, @Glen_McGhie, @Jessiely_Juachon

    Refer ‘How to create aliquots through BO’ page for more details.
