• BLOG
  • A shipped specimen is only accesable to users of the site it was shipped from


    here is our problem:

    We ship a specimen from a freezer in site A to another freezer in site B via the shipment and tracking function.
    The specimen can be positioned in a box of site B after we click on “Receive”, but we cannot access/ do something with this specimen , because the participant to whom this specimen was assigned to, was registered at site A and is therefore only accessable by the users of site A.

    Shouldn`t the rights to access the specimen be transfered with the shipment, since it physically changes the site ?

    Hello @Anita_Dreher,

    When you go to Home->Settings->Biospecimen->‘Site Based Participant Access’, is this setting enabled on your instance?

    If yes, then the behaviour is correct. Only users belonging to participant’s site can access that participant. If you do not want it this way, please disable the above settings. When you ship samples the participant’s site is not changed. Only storage site is changed and only users of receiving site can edit storage of that specimen going forward as long as they also have access to that participant as well.
