When you click on a collection protocol containing more than 100 participants,
The page will list the first 100 participants, but there is no indication that there is more than 100, anywhere on that screen.
There is no total count, or paging mechanism to browse through the participants.
It simply stops listing at 100 participants, giving the false assumption that there is only total of 100.
I’ve been told that this is designed this way for performance reasons, but I don’t think that is true.
If for example, that each page of 100 participants take 0.5 seconds. Then every other page of 100 records should also be 0.5 seconds.
So theoretically, I think there should not be a performance problem.
On the other hand, I think there is a huge psychological benefit for end users, to be able to browse their hard earned participants.
Being able to only see the first page of patients, is like opening a freezer and only see samples on the first shelf, even though the other shelves are full, but you cannot see it.
Therefore, I would like to advocate that there should be a total count of participant on the top of the screen within each collection protocol, and a paging mechanism to browse through all of your participants.
Thank you very much