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    Change anticipated visit date

    Dear Openspecimen,

    For anticipated visit dates, the system currently calculates and set them based on what is defined in the collection protocol e.g. 4 days, 2 weeks and 2 months after surgery.

    However, sometimes we may want to change specific anticipated visit date for certain visits. Is it possible to change them? I know we can set visit date for occurred visits. However, for anticipated visit, it would be useful if I can have the ability to modify it so that Openspecimen can be a more accurate reminder for the tissue banker to collect tissue.

    Many thanks.


    Hi @Samuel_Leung,

    You can edit the anticipated visit date of a visit. However, this will not change/adjust the anticipated visit dates for rest of the visits.

    E.g. if the first visit is delayed by 30 days, it wont push rest of the visits by 30 days further.

    Follow below steps to change anticipated visit date for specific visit:

    1. Go to participants overview page
    2. Click on dotted menu of anticipated visit whose date has to be changed
    3. Select option ‘Add Visit’, change the ‘Status’ from ‘Complete’ to ‘Pending’
    4. Change the visit date to any desired date and click on ‘Create’ button
    5. User will be able to view the changed anticipated visit date on visits overview page
