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    Change Password validation for V2.0 beta 5

    I tried to reset a password with a short string but I got always invalid character message - So I put a longer one and it worked - where can I change the validation requirements for passwords ? so it be changed to accept short strings. just for the purpose of learning how to do it.

    @Rolando_Ramirez The password validation is 8 chars, 1 upper, and 1 lower string. I am not sure if it is configurable. The developers will let you know by tomorrow.

    The next beta will have an UI indication of the password rules.


    Okay Sri - thanks a lot for the info.


    I wonder if in a situation where there’s a need to delete a visit and the specimen collected within that instance - to do it so it does not show anymore on the VISITS panel or web pages for the participant.

    Is it possible? because I couldn’t even though I closed the specimens.

    Screenshot below

    Hello @Rolando_Ramirez,

    We have implemented delete feature for all data in Beta06 version. When you open the visit or specimen page, you will see a delete option on the top right of the screen. You need to delete the specimen first and then the visit.

    You can try it out on demo site - http://demo.openspecimen.org or upgrade your instance to latest version.


    Just quick logic issue that I found in OS – apparently you can collect aliquots with the parent specimen still pending. The problem is that when you try to change the collection status to “collected” for the parent specimen - it will not let you because of the available quantity – even if it’s changed to a lower value.

    and Here’s the error


    How did you manage to collect the aliquots before the parent, I tried to reproduce this on our demo site http://demo.openspecimen.org/ but unable to do so. System throws error that parent does not exist. Can you try on our demo site and let us know if you are able to reproduce.


    I got the error from a local installation of OS from this source file => os-2.0.pre.beta.07_mysql.zip - & I was able to reproduce the error on the demo site.

    Go to this link to see that I collected aliquots and yet the parent specimen is pending - now if you try to collect the parent specimen you’ll get the error - screenshot below


    Hello @Rolando_Ramirez

    Thanks for testing and giving feedback. We’re able to reproduce this bug in our local test environment. We’ll fix this bug on priority. The fix will be available in next community build.


    When is the next release for OS. 2.0 for MYSQL is going to be available? so I can keep testing the web app at my end.

    -also any updates on the label printer integration with OS and NiceLabel or Bar Tender ?


    Hi @Rolando_Ramirez,

    The current build in releases folder is the final release for fresh deployment of OS v2.0. The next release we will make is v2.1 with more fixes and support for upgrades.
    Is there any specific issue you are waiting to be fixed other than one pointed out in this post.

    @Integration with printer: this feature is already available in OS v2.0. We provide this integration with NiceLabel only to our customers. You can purchase any similar software to make the integration work.


    Any date for the 2.1 release of the OS_MySQL ?

    I was trying to add aliquots to an existing parent specimen with plenty of available quantity using the bulk operation in OS 2.0 and it gave me the error below.

    Do you think is the date and if so what’s the format for it?

    Also I noticed that even though I delete specimens from participants on any specific protocol - the number does not reset on the page.

    This page below show 31 when in fact I only have 4 specimens - but 31 times I have added specimen to the protocol.

    @Rolando_Ramirez: Thanks for pointing this out. We have made a note of it.


    @Rolando_Ramirez: Created a new post for your query here: Error while creating aliquots through BO since the original post is related to another topic. Please continue with the thread there.
