When creating events and specimen requirements, how are events and specimens ordered? Is it possible to rearrange the order of events and specimen requirements when editing a collection protocol?
The events are ordered based on the event point(number of days). If events are of same event point, then it is ordered based on creation.
The specimen requirements are ordered based on creation.
Currently there is no way to reorder during protocol edit other than above.
Is it possible to import a collection protocol in v2.x?
Yes, it is possible to import collection protocol definition.
Click on [+ Create] button, which will display menu with 2 options - Create, Import. Click on Import option.
User is now prompted to upload a JSON file containing CP definition
To know format and how the JSON file looks, export any collection protocol from its detail view.
Hope this helps!
The API allows users (api consumers) to specify order of specimen requirements at same level… No UI support yet.