With the following set up, we would like the position numbers to populate down the columns rather than across the rows. For example, we would want the first column positions to be labeled 1-9, the second, 10 - 18 and the 3rd column 19-27. This would be mean row one would be 1, 10, 19. The default is counting across the rows then down. So 1-3, then 4-6 and so on. How can we change this to accurately reflect our storage?
Here is what is set up right now;
Type: Box9x9
Barcode: Not Specified
Temperature (Celsius) -80
Parent Site: Tissue Bank
Parent Container: OCT.S2.R1 (A x 1)
Dimension: 9 x 3
Position Labeling: Linear
Store Specimens? Yes
Collection Protocol All
Specimen Types : OCT
Display in Map: Specimen Label