• BLOG
  • Deleting orders

    Is there a way to delete an executed order in version 6.0 onwards?

    Hi @JudyC,

    It is possible to delete the orders only in draft mode and not the executed ones. If the specimens were distributed accidentally then one can return the specimens distributed in that order. While returning these samples one can also add appropriate comments about the returning the specimen.

    Is there any specific use case that you wish to delete the executed orders?


    I am trying to delete an institute and therefore need to delete all the entries associated with it including a distribution protocol and the distribution order (single order executed associated with this). The institute and execution order was done as a demonstration.

    We here at WCMC are having a similar issue. We were performing some testing with orders, but now we need to delete and re-create a collection protocol for other purposes. Is there any way that we can remove the association with the executed orders?