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    Did you know that the result view headers are configurable in query?

    The query result view has headers which are the system defined names like PPID, eMPI etc. The context or nomenclature of these fields changes in respective of Biobanks. From v5.1, you can configure the header names for the columns you have selected to be displayed in the query results. Once renamed, the UI and the Exported CSV will have the renamed header names.

    This feature can also be used in conjunction with the “Scheduled Query” feature. Once renamed and saved, the automated exported CSVs will contain the custom header names. This can be used to import into external databases. E.g. importing into a data warehouse.

    Once the query is created, select the columns to be displayed in the query results page and click on ‘Next’ button. From ‘Field Labels’ section, specify the labels to be displayed and click on ‘Done’

    Column headers before configuration:

    Column headers after configuration:

    For more details please refer to the Wiki page
