• BLOG
  • Duplicate Entry error when creating participant


    How can I resolve this error for an existing protocol?

    When trying to added a participant, by typing in a PPID, I get this error message:

    SQL error: Duplicate entry ‘123456’ for key ‘NAME’. Please report this error to system administrator. (COMMON_SQL_EXCEPTION)

    I double checked the MySQL db and confirmed no participant exist with PPID 123456. I tried exporting the protocol as a json, and re-create the protocol by re-importing the json, but it doesn’t resolve the issue.

    The log is attached here.

    unhandled-exception (1).log (11.7 KB)

    Where you able to figure out the problem?
    Do you get the problem only with PPID 123456 or are other PPIDs giving you problems?
    Is it only with this collection protocol?