I just tried to create a new form in the GUI in Openspecimen v7.0.x.
When I first saved the form without any control field, it worked:
Testform was saved successfully.
When I add a field it os says:
Field1 added to the form successfully.
Error saving the form.
Now, when I go back to Forms and click on my Testform, there are no fileds in it.
I created it as System Administrator.
A workaround was, that I created a form in an older version <=5.3,
exported it from their and imported it in the newer version.
This worked quite well, exept that the checkbox ‘Show In Grid’ seems not to work correctly!
I checked it, but the fields don’t show up in the GUI when I click ‘View Specimens’.
I did this with
Level:Specimen Custom Fields, Collection Protocol:ALL
Level:Visit Forms, Collection Protocol:specific.
The template csv-files have the additional fields,
I can use them with ‘Scheduled-Bulk-Import’,
but as said before the fields aren’t shown in the GUI!
Is there anything that I can do in order to get it work correctly?
Thanks for helping anyway.
Christian Schorn