The conference venue will be Congress Centre Leipzig which has state-of-the-art facilities.
The distinguished invited speakers will include: Professor Heiko
Zimmerman, Professor Joachim Thiery, Dr Uta Ceglarek, Professor Luciana
Caenazzo, Dr Paul Ndebele, Dr Janita de Vries, Dr Georges Dagher, Dr
Elena Bravo, Dr Gunnel Tybring, Dr Jeanne-Hélène Di Donato, Dr Marike
Kolossa-Gehring, Dr Fay Betsou, Dr Rania Labib, Dr Alex Bulla, Dr
Emanuelle Gormalie, Dr Manuel Morente, Dr Matthias Kohl, Dr Christoph
Steinbeck, Professor Jan-Eric Litton, and Mr Marcus Pasterk.
For more info:
The conference will feature a wide variety of fascinating content from
across the biobanking spectrum. There will be sessions on Cryobiology,
Biobanking for Metabolomics and Proteomics, ‘Big Data’, Environmental
Biobanking, Biobank Assessment, Biobanking Education and ELSI in
Biobanking. There will be contributed paper sessions where talks are
selected from submitted abstracts as well as poster viewing and
discussion sessions, with prizes for the best posters. Interactive
discussion sessions using audience response technology and numerous
working group discussions will be held.
In addition there will be:
- Tissue Micro-Arrays Training Course
- “Research Biobank of the Year” competition
- Tour of the LIFE Cohort Biobank and Study Centre
At the conference exhibition, vendors from around the world will
demonstrate the latest products, services, and technology in the field
of repository and specimen collection. In addition, there will be
commercial workshops, and the “Mission Possible” vendor-guided practical
sessions. As usual, there will also be a full social programme
including a cocktail reception and a Gala Dinner.
Please join us in Leipzig this October for what promises to be a truly outstanding conference for the field of biobanking!
For more info: