Who can create forms? Is it only Super Administrators? Or can Administrators (as per documentation) also create a form, since we are finding a ‘Not Authorized’ message for Administrators when clicking on ‘Manage Forms’.
Hello Devjani,
Only super administrators can create forms as of now. We corrected the documentation to make it clear - https://catissueplus.atlassian.net/wiki/x/MoB2AQ.
It will be good if administrators can also create forms. Of course they should only be able to attach them to protocols for which they have permission. Will this be available in the future/when?
Secondly, how can a form that has been created and attached but no data has been entered, be deleted?
Hi Devjani,
As of now, we have not added option to delete forms. But we will add these comments as enhancements.
In the OpenSpecimen install that we have, there is a pre loaded form ‘ResectionBasedColorectalPathologyAnnotation’. This form cannot be seen either in the preview of the ‘Manage Forms’ section or in the annotations of SCGs (to which it is attached).
While creating forms, is there a way to format the size of the box (field) in which data will be added? So that when the data to be input can only be ten characters, the box is not the width of the whole screen. And the smaller fields may also be placed in two side by side columns requiring less scrolling down.
Thank you,
Hello Devjani,
Do you mean the form ‘ResectionBasedColorectalPathologyAnnotation’ was present before OS upgrade and now not visible anywhere? This happens if you had no data entered for this form before upgrade. The DE upgrade during deployment migrates only forms with at least one data record. We did this because unused forms like the default clinical and pathology forms can be removed automatically.
Or is it visible in MangeForms but not coming up in preview and data entry? If this is the case, can you please send us the form definition.
No, there is no way to place the fields side by side in same line by decreasing the field width. We will consider this as enhancement.
The form was there when OpenSpecimen was installed by John. Since it seemed to have a number of sub forms I wanted to see how it looks. Going to ‘Manage Forms’ it shows up in the list but clicking os ‘Preview’ just has a status bar sort of thing twirling away for ever with no result.
The form is attached to SCGs of all CPs. The name of the form shows up in the Annotations of SCGs, but clicking on it only yields a blank page. Here is the definition:
exportedForm.zip (12.1 KB)
Thank you,