After creating a form successfully and attaching it to a CP (Participant, SCG, etc), the form shows up in the annotation list, but on clicking on this (the link) a blank page appears.
Hello Devjani,
Could you please give us the description of the form definition as to what type of fields you have. Maybe a screenshot of the form definition would help.
Here is the form:
endocrinePanel.xml (4.8 KB)
However, John can see it on his test server but we cannot see it on the production server (though both are the same version of OpenSpecimen)
Hello Devjani, John,
This seems to be an issue with the date field. There was a bug before - if the form has date field, then the data entry screen blanks out. This is fixed in latest build. To confirm if the installable on test and prod server are same, can you please check the date mentioned at the top of the file in the respective installables and let us know.
Both are running build dated 12 Sep 2014.
The files were slightly different. The one on the test server was copied over from an earlier version and contained the following lines, which are not in the 12Sep2014 properties file. Other then that the files are identical. I added these and the forms now display
#Values for DE API
#DE file upload directory
de.fileUploadDir =
#Choose below option to associate dynamic extensions default clinical and pathology forms to the Collect
ion Protocols.
#Choose false to show all clinical and pathology default annotations for data entry
#Choose true and edit the Show_Hide_Forms.xml present in the installable folder to associate selective f
orms to Collection Protocol for data entry