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    How to configure Bioport to support multiple data sources?

    @bob_lange asked:

    I would like to check out the install.properties as I assume that is where multiple datasources (in addition to OpenSpecimen) would be configured and then deployed. I didn’t see much in the install instructions related to additional data sources.


    Supporting multiple data sources is not just matter of configuration in BioPort. Lets take a real example here. Suppose you want to use BioPort for two data sources. OpenSpecimen and StarLIMS.

    You would do the following:

    1. Use the default ETL process for OpenSpecimen -> BioPort
    2. Write a standalone ETL process for migrating data from StarLIMS to BioPort DB
    3. Add a new column in the BioPort table (say data_source) to indicate which rows came from “OpenSpecimen” which came from “StarLIMS”
    4. Configure this column as a new category in BioPort (See steps here https://catissueplus.atlassian.net/wiki/x/oAB)

    Hope this helps. Let us know if you have any further problems or questions.


    So the ETL for other data does not fit into the BioPort process with the exception of loading into its database? We could write our ETL process (for StarLIMS, for instance) using any platform we choose, but we would develop the process entirely independently from BioPort (aside form the final write into the database and configing fields in the dashboard)?

    All that you said is correct.

    You mentioned “aside form the final write into the database”. I am not clear what it means. For data from StarLIMS, even the final write to the BioPort tables will have to be taken care by your independent ETL process.

    Yes, configuration of the fields to appear in the dashboard will be done in BioPort.
