• BLOG
  • Imaging plugin requirements

    Our pathology department’s Aperio system does not have ability to send HL7 messages.

    At this time they are evaluating if they are staying with Aperio, switching to Ventana or keeping both, so do not wish to spend funds on Aperio providing an interface.

    If possible, we would like to write our own HL7 messenger to talk with your plugin. Could I get more information on what your plugin provides and what information is neccessary to send to it to implement this?

    John Reber

    Hi John,

    The details regarding Aperio plugin is documented here - https://catissueplus.atlassian.net/wiki/x/BgB2.

    Please take a look and let us know if you have questions.


    Hi Porrnima, How is the group in Australia liking this feature? I’m interested in hearing feedback regarding this interaction. We use Aperio eSlide here and it would be great if we could get OpenSpecimen linked to this to auto import data and scanned images.

    Thanks- Rachel

    Hi @Rachel_Jewell,

    Aperio plugin is currently not used in production. There have been issues on the aperio side since by default it does not support HL7 messaging.
    We are yet to find a workaround for this and enhance the plugin.
    As seen in above post, John@TJU is also trying an alternate path to work this out.



    Could I get a copy of the aperio plugin and Mirth channels that you have?


    Hi John,

    Yes. We have a Mirth channel which takes Aperio image information, parses it and inserts relevant data into staging table. You need to read the staging table and call OS APIs to load image data into the OpenSpecimen.

    Will share the channel and plugin with you via email.



    I’ve installed the Aperio plugin and see there is a link to manually enter image information.

    However when I press the save button, nothing happens, neither on the screen or in the logs.

    I am testing on OpenSpecimen RC2.