• BLOG
  • LDAP Configuration

    I’m attempting to configure OpenSpecimen v1.1RC1 to use LDAP for authentication. After following the guidelines in the Documentation, I received an error message stating that the class edu.wustl.migrator.WUSTLKeyMigrator could not be found. Any advice would be warmly welcomed.

    ###Additional Troubleshooting Details

    1. I wrote a Java console app which invokes the same class specified in the IDPAuthenication.xml file (com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory) to verify that my LDAP settings were correct, and I was able to successfully authenticate a user.
    2. I tried removing the <migrator-class> configuration node, and I get an error message stating that I have an invalid email address despite trying numerous addresses. I’m assuming this migrator class copies some details from LDAP into OpenSpecimen’s database.

    Hi @HeathHopkins,

    You should not need the WUSTLKeyMigrator. This was an old specific class needed for some local workflow at WU. You can ignore this.

    Since you are entering the LDAP user name/pwd during user signup, you should be able to login directly without migration.

    Can you send us some screenshots or video of how you are trying to signup and login?


    I emailed our IDPAuthentication.xml file and screenshots to you.

    I removed the edu.wustl.migrator.WUSTLKeyMigrator reference as requested and the error I now receive is:

    SignUpUserAddAction failed..edu.wustl.auth.exception.AuthenticationException:java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
    edu.wustl.auth.exception.AuthenticationException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
    edu.wustl.migrator.exception.MigratorException: edu.wustl.auth.exception.AuthenticationException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:

    This error suggests that the system is trying to invoke a migration class.

    If I remove all of the nodes within the <migration-details> node of the config file, I get the error

    SignUpUserAddAction failed..Please provide valid email address

    Despite using multiple valid email addresses.