I need to modify few properties where do i need to change them and how to deploy after the changes? Any help is appreciated.
I need to modify few properties where do i need to change them and how to deploy after the changes? Any help is appreciated.
Could you please be more specific as to what properties do you want to change. Some properties don’t need redeployment, you can change it within JBoss.
Hi Poornima,
I would like to add institute logo, link and modify email settings.
Hi Diya
You can do the following:
1-Stop Jboss server
2- Add the logo file to this location: OpenSpecimen/modules/caTissue/images/ call it: InstitutionLogo.gif
3- Change this in the property file: institute.logo.path=modules/caTissue/images/InstitutionLogo.gif
4- Add the link at institute.logo.hyperlink= your link
5- Change the email settings
6- Save file and re-deploy OS
7-Re-start Jboss
Forgot to mention the property file is in the Open Specimen home page and it is called: caTissueInstall.properties
I hope that is helpful
Hi Nadia,
Thank you for your quick response. For redeployment do i need to run the same command ant deploy_all -Dusername=xxx@.com?
Hi Diya,
You are welcome and yes you do need to use that same command.
deploy_all will overwrite your database, I think. Use deploy_app if you just want to deploy the app, but keep your data.
Hello Diya,
Follow the steps as suggested by Nadia but at the end don’t do ant deploy-all. Instead, do ant deploy_app as suggesed by Bob and start the JBoss server. This will update your institute logo, hyperlink and email properties.
Thank you Bob and Vivek.