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    New feature in v6.2 - Collection Protocol Groups

    Often, the same set of forms and UI screen designs are used for multiple CPs within a site. The problems with this are:

    1. Not able to query across multiple CPs using custom forms
    2. Cumbersome to manage updates to JSON workflows in multiple CPs

    From v6.2, OpenSpecimen allows creating “Collection Protocol Groups (CPG)” for easy maintenance of such protocols. This feature allows the user to-

    • Have the same JSON configuration for all the collection protocols in a CPG
    • Add custom forms or custom fields to all the collection protocols in a CPG in one-go
    • Query custom form data from multiple protocols within a CPG

    Future enhancements of CPG will include:

    1. Reserving containers (racks/boxes) based on CPGs rather than CPs
    2. Assigning user roles for a CPG

    For more details refer: https://openspecimen.atlassian.net/wiki/x/NQBcGw