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    New in v7.0 - Collection Protocol/Collection Protocol Group Enhancements

    Based on user feedback and requirements below are some usability enhancements done in v7.0:

    1. Reopen closed events and requirements
    2. Close collection protocol
    3. Delete Collection Protocol Groups

    Reopen closed events and requirements:

    It is now possible to reopen closed CP Events and Specimen Requirements if they were closed by mistake or you want to restart collection.

    For more information refer: https://openspecimen.atlassian.net/wiki/x/DYCdDw

    Close collection protocol:

    Users can now close collection protocols. This is useful when the participant enrollment of a protocol is completed or the user wants to discontinue the protocol. Once closed, users won’t be able to register new participants to the collection protocol. However, other actions like pending visits and specimens can be collected, aliquoted, etc.

    For more information refer: https://openspecimen.atlassian.net/wiki/x/NoCvDw

    Delete collection protocol groups:

    Users can now delete collection protocol groups (CPG) that are no longer in use without affecting the individual collection protocols. Any saved queries associated with the CPG are deleted.

    For more information refer: https://openspecimen.atlassian.net/wiki/x/NQBcGw