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    New in v7.0: Use OpenSpecimen in EDC mode

    Many centers use REDCap or other tools to collect clinical data. With this enhancement, now you can create user roles who can use OpenSpecimen as the EDC system.

    Using one system, i.e., OpenSpecimen for both clinical and biospecimen data, eliminates costly integration and maintenance overheads.

    One of the important enhancement towards this is the separation of visit and specimen roles.

    Earlier, access to visits and specimens was a combined resource. Hence it was not possible to restrict user access to only visits and participants.

    From v7.0, the visits and specimens’ resources have been separated. This will allow users to give access to visits but not specimens. This is useful if users are only handling participants and visits, and associated clinical data.

    For more information refer: https://openspecimen.atlassian.net/wiki/x/boB1