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    New in v7.2 - User management enhancements

    Below enhancements are done based on the Inputs from the ‘Washington University.’

    1. Ability to edit self profile: Earlier, only admin users could edit user profiles. Starting from v7.2, regular users will be able to edit their details such as phone number, address, timezone, and notification settings. This will help regular users to edit profile without bothering the admins.

    2. To enhance the user experience and for security reasons, the signed-in user name initials will be displayed as a letter avatar at the top-right corner of the app.

    3. Ability to send email notifications to ‘Contact’ users: Earlier, the contact type users did not receive any emails. However, contact users could be used as CP or DP PIs and therefore interested in notifications like CP expiry date.
      From v7.2, you can enable email notifications to contact users from the user page.

    For details, refer: https://openspecimen.atlassian.net/l/c/HF5P5Lme