• BLOG
  • New in v8.1 - Configure screens based on user role

    Below enhancements are done based on the inputs from Washington University & the University of Cyprus

    Earlier, only PHI fields could be hidden based on user roles. But there are use cases where non-PHI fields should be hidden based on roles.

    E.g. the clinic staff only collect primary specimens; they should not see the container fields.

    To support this, in v8.1, CP admins can configure workflow JSON to show/hide fields based on user roles.

    The following two screens are configurable:

    1. Specimen collection table
    2. Data entry pages (participant, visit, specimens)

    Specimen collection table with container details:

    Specimen data entry page without container details:

    For details, refer: https://openspecimen.atlassian.net/l/c/C982LAwR