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    New Specimen Type Lists & Received Qualities

    I was wondering if the Specimen Type list could be edited or adjusted to add additional types in OSv2.0? Might need some brainstorming but it would really help our workflow and data integrity. Currently for instance, we mark tissue cores (punches from a block that are cylindrical) as “Fixed Tissue” in CaTisse, but Fixed Tissue could also mean scrolls or curls (sections taken from a block that are stored as sections which usually curl up on themselves and are usually stored in a small tube). Currently we have no way of distinguishing the two types with the specimen type list (mind you we have CaTissue 2.0plus I believe, not sure if this list is already changed in other versions). I will add that when we receive or take cores from a block, they are re-embedded into their own block. So in CaTissue, we derive a Fixed Tissue Block and bank it. This shows that cores were taken or received, then embedded into a cassette, and banked. Either way, the original tissue type is still “Fixed Tissue”.

    Similarly, in order to mark that we received an H&E slide, we have to complete a “Slide Preparation Event” to add in the stain. The specimen type list does not include stained fixed tissue sections, so these specimens are marked as “Fixed Tissue Slide”. However, we also have unstained sections, which are also labeled as “Fixed Tissue Slide”. The only way to differentiate the two is to complete a slide prep event to mark one as stained, even though they are received as two different samples.

    One last request: we expand/edit the “Received Quality” list in the Shipping and Tracking screen. This list is not conducive to our operations and the types of qualities that we need to record. I’m not sure about other sites and what they think, but for us it needs change. We use “unacceptable, unspecified” for 30% of our shipments, acceptable for 65%, and the rest are either thawed, frozen, or damaged. Unacceptable, unspecified just really isn’t a good way of recording the quality. I think it can still be kept, but we would like to expand the list so we don’t have to use it as much and so our shipments are recorded more accurately.

    Again, all this will need more brainstorming, however wanted to make Krishagni aware so we could possibly see this as an improvement in the next version.

    Thanks! Rachel

    @Rachel_Jewell Even now you can add new values for specimen types and received quality(older and new versions). This will need your system admin to run a few steps manually in the server. You cannot add a new specimen class though.

    In v2.x, we plan to provide an user interface to manage (add/edit/delete) the dropdown values.


    Thanks Sri! I wasn’t aware that these can be changed! Thanks! Hopefully we can implement this into our OSv1, which we’re trying to move to soon.