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    OpenSpecimen - 2014 and 2015

    As we start 2015, here is an update on how 2014 treated us and our plans for 2015.

    Recap of 2014
    2014 has been a great year for OpenSpecimen (OS). We could reach 25+ biobanks across 10 countries, add many features and fix many bugs. More importantly, we started the rewrite of OpenSpecimen. In OS v1.0, we released new Dynamic Extension (custom forms) and Query modules. We are happy to report that end users loved the new modules for its ease of use and speed.

    We had the first “OpenSpecimen Conference - OSCon 2014” in Washington University. It was a grand success with 40+ end users attending from 20 centers across 5 countries.

    What is in store for 2015?
    2015 will be a defining year for OpenSpecimen! We are now actively rewriting rest of the product. By Feb-Mar 2015, we are hoping to release OS v2.0 (beta). It will be an eclectic marriage of (a) the lessons learnt in the last ten years of working with biobanks across the globe and (b) latest web technologies.

    A bit on the new user interface:
    Our goal is not to develop the same old user interface in newer web technologies (i.e. old wine in new bottle). You will find OS v2.0 user interface to be refreshingly different, easy to use and high speed. Importantly, it will be easy to customize screens as per individual protocol’s specimen collection workflow.

    Let us know if you would like to help us by providing feedback on the new user interface.

    A bit on the technology side:

    • The user interface is developed using Angular JS, HTML5, and CSS3
    • REST APIs and core platform is completely rewritten using Java Spring
    • Support latest JBoss/Tomcat, MySQL/Oracle, Hibernate, Spring etc
    • 100% automated testing using Spring MVC Test
    • Much smaller and simpler source code (new size is about 10% of the
      old codebase)
    • Simplified database schema
    • Support 100s of concurrent users for large enterprise deployments
    • Easy upgrade from older versions of caTissue and OpenSpecimen
    • Deprecate NCI caCORE APIs and CSM

    How can you get involved?
    OpenSpecimen is an open source project and your involvement is critical for its success. You can get involved in the project in the following ways:

    • Answer questions on the community forums
    • Testing, validation, and feedback of development builds
    • Documentation: test cases, SOPs, case studies, user manual, training
    • Cite OpenSpecimen in your papers, presentations, and posters
    • Hyperlink to www.openspecimen.org from your website
    • Refer OpenSpecimen to any other biobanks looking for a biobanking
    • Attend our monthly community webinars and calls
    • Follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter
    • Anything else you can think-of! :slight_smile:

    Conferences in 2015
    We will be at several conferences this year. Please let us know if you are attending any, can think of a good conference for us to attend, or if you are hosting any in your center.

    OSCon2015 - OpenSpecimen Conference 2015
    Tentatively in Aug/Sep; dates & venue to be decided soon.

    Thanks for your time. We wish you a very happy new year and look forward to continue working with you in this wonderful journey.

    Queries/suggestions: contact@openspecimen.org
    More information: www.openspecimen.org
