• BLOG
  • OpenSpecimen Deployment Error

    Posting on behalf of Jesus and Edel,

    Edel is trying to install OpenSpecimen in an evironment with the following features:
    - Server: Tomcat 6.0.37
    - Database: Postgres 9.4

    There are several errors which do not enable the correct deployment of the application.

    PFA log files.
    localhost.2015-04-20.log (12.9 KB)
    catalina.2015-04-20.log (5.0 KB)


    Could you please also let us know which version of OpenSpecimen you are trying to deploy.

    From your comments and errors it seems like you are trying to deploy on Tomcat and Postgres.
    Currently OpenSpecimen only supports :
    DataBase: MySQL-5.5 /Oracle-11g
    Server: JBoss-5.1.0.G.A.

    For the detailed deployment instructions and prerequisites you can refer: https://catissueplus.atlassian.net/wiki/x/aoAh


    I use OpenSpecimen_tomcat_v1.1_Installable.zip and I add the driver to Postgress to my Tomcat installation. The error is the one we mencion before.

    Best regards.

    Hi @Edel_Perez,

    This tomcat zip was very old. We would suggest you to download the latest OS-2.0 build and try with that. For new build details please check [here][1]

    Also please note that OpenSpecimen is never tested with the PostgreSQL database. So we can’t predict the behavior of OpenSpecimen on PostgreSQL.

    [1]: OpenSpecimen v2.0.beta.01 release

    I was intalling OpenSpecimen 2.0 beta on my local computer with Windows 7

    1. Create Mysql database
    2. Run the install script
    3. Run the run.bat script in the app server home directory

    when i get the following error:

    error.txt (11.0 KB)

    Any Ideas

    Thank You

    Hi @Edel_Perez,

    The log shows that you are using jdk-8. OpenSpecimen and JBoss-5.1.0.GA doesn’t work on jdk-8. This error is something related to the java version.

    So I would suggest you to install jdk-6 which is the recommended version of java for OpenSpecimen.

    All these recommended versions are specified in the deployment steps also.
