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    OpenSpecimen v11.x Users

    If you have upgraded your PRODUCTION environment to v11, can you please share which version of 11 you are on and what your user experience has been in v11.

    We are currently on v10.2 and I am trying to gauge how far behind other institutions we are and understand what we may be up against moving to v11 at this time.

    We updated to version 11.2.RC2 last week. We are working through a few bugs and deprecated features that we didn’t catch before going live. Krishagni is being very responsive with fixes and it sounds like version 12 will address some of those. Getting end users to thoroughly test was one of the biggest hurdles. Now that we’ve gone live, we are discovering small parts of their processes that were not addressed before we launched, so now I’m trying to put out fires.


    Hi Donna, can you elaborate on some of the ‘small parts’ of your users’ processes that were not noticed prior to you launching 11.2? We here at Emory are on version 10.3 because we cannot upgrade until all the issues we have found are addressed. However, I want to be sure we know about and test everything. So it would be helpful to know everything others who have already upgraded have found.