• BLOG
  • oracle deadlock rac from weblogic transactions

    Recently a table in my database was in the lock. I am using Oracle RAC and transactions sent to the database are managed by WebLogic 10.3.0. I have configured the multiple data sources and my transaction has enabled the options “Supports Global Transaction” and “One-Phase Commit”. After that table was in the lock, I don’t why the WebLogic don’t kill this transaction, my questions here are:

    1 - What’re the possibles reasons to ORACLE RAC lock the table based on my connection pool configurations?

    2 - Why Weblogic didn’t kill the transaction after the timeout (for this case I have the timeout set with 30s) ?

    More Info: I’m using a thin driver to connect Weblogic with Oracle RAC

    For this scenario, I didn’t see an error related to deadlock or something like this on logs.

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