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    OS 2.2 Display of Departments within an Institute

    Attached are screenshots of two Institutes (A1, New University) on the OS 2.2 demo site; each Institute has three departments. It looks like OS lists the departments in a single-line row across the screen, which could be problematic as the number of departments grows, as the names of the departments become obscured out of view. In the New University screenshot, I widened the browser across an extended monitor and still could not see the names of all three departments. Is there another way names of departments could be displayed on the Institutes screen?

    Hello Matthew,

    Thanks for the feedback. This particular view/screen is not well designed. We’ll redo this view to show departments in tabular form along with department related stats, if any.

    BTW, do you have any important statistics in mind that will be useful to admins? Like # of users per department?

    Created a ticket to track this issue:
