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    Plugin descriptions

    Is there a wiki doc or the like that describes what each of the plugins do that are in the os-extensions repo? Additionally is there a description of the lib directory as to what is compiled there?


    So, I was looking for the REDCap plugin that was demo’d on the last community call. It seems that it’s in the branch https://github.com/krishagni/os-extensions/tree/os_extensions_VG_unsw/redcap but it hasn’t merged back to master yet. (It was removed from master with a cleanup commit.)

    Is it intended to be built from here: https://github.com/krishagni/os-extensions/tree/os_extensions_VG_unsw/redcap


    Randy, the following wiki page was created earlier today that lists plug-ins: https://openspecimen.atlassian.net/wiki/display/CAT/Plugins


    I attended that community call, and I recall at that time the REDCap plugin code was not quite ready to be shared with the OS community. Does anyone know if the REDCap plugin is ready?