• BLOG
  • Possible bug with Bulk Upload Consents?

    I think I am coming across a bug while trying to upload Consent data in a bulk job. In order to do this, I am starting in the Collection Protocol module, clicking the “More” dropdown and selecting “Import”. Then, I am selecting the “Consents” option of Select Records Type, adding the file, and clicking “Import”. I have structured the CSV file in order to import 102 consents to two different Collection Protocols. As you can see in the image, however, I have attempted to upload the same file multiple times.

    Bulk Job #21 failed because I had the dates in an incorrect format. After I fixed that, I have not touched this file. As you can see, the first time I uploaded it, it only recognized 5 rows out of the 102 rows of data. The second upload recognized 10 rows out of the 102 rows of data. Do you know why this may be happening? I have successfully been able to import other files, as you can see in the image via the Bulk Import for Participant Registrations.

    As a secondary question, in the image you can see that some of the uploads are still In Progress. Is there any way to cancel them or force them to finish/fail?
