• BLOG
  • Privleges not saving

    I just deployed OpenSpecimen and Logged in with the user created during deployment. I 'm trying to add a new administrator. I Add the new user, select the admin role under privileges, click save privileges and the privilege is added to the summary section. But when I click save the application says the user was saved, but the privilege isn’t added to the summary section. Am I missing something here?

    Hi @bmumph ,

    While creating an Administrator, the site too has to be selected in order to make the user a ‘Site Admin’, then save the privilege. Was that done? Please could you attach a screenshot before and after saving the user.


    I want another application administrator not just a site admin. Here’s the screenshot of the user’s profle after saving the privileges but before submitting the changes.

    Here’s the screenshot after saving.

    Hi @bmumph,

    Please could you try creating a new site and assigning privileges for it.
    Do not use the ‘In Transit’ site as it’s a system generated site used in Shipping & Tracking feature of OpenSpecimen.
