• BLOG
  • Query: Maxmimum records returned

    Is there a upper limit when we run a query in OS V2.5?

    I am sure we have more than 9998 specimens but every time we run a query it just returns 9998 records is there a way to change this setting?

    Hi Dinesh,
    I saw your post and ran a query on our instance of v2.5, whose results exceed 10,000 specimens. I encountered a limit of 10,000 specimens in the results display and found the following explanation on the wiki: https://openspecimen.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=1115810. Note: I was able to export the complete query results of 30,000+ specimens.

    That is correct. This is avoid browser getting bogged down with tons of records.

    In any case, there is no way an user can look at the screen and sift through the records.
