Q1: Collection protocol short title: There are two fields short title and long title. The short title is used to display the CP name in different pages. However, the current length of short title is not really “short”. So it ends up wrapping or getting chopped off in many pages.
Krishagni: Is it OK to enforce short title width of 10 chars?
Q2: SCG Name: Current auto generator is . That does not look very useful to me.
Krishagni: What is this field used for? How do you generated your SCG names? If you enter manually, do you have a format?
Q3: Participant protocol id: is currently optional data; either it is system generated or manually populated.
Krishagni: Can this be made mandatory? You can let the system auto-generate an unique ID.
Q4: Specimen class: This is used to short-list the specimen type.
Krishagni: Do we need this? Can we not just show the full list of type and let user select a type?
Q5: Collection protocol fields: “consent waived” and “store all aliquots in same container”
Krishagni: Plan to remove these fields