• BLOG
  • REST API - Creation status code and Searching

    How would I use the API to search for a Participant, SCG, etc?

    My scenario is I use the API to create a participant, but creation fails because it is considered a duplicate (though I’m getting a status of 200, not 400 as expected). I then want to use the REST functions to search for the duplicate so that I can retrieve the identifier for when i go to add the specimen information.

    Hi @John_Reber,

    For the API for getting the matching participants, you can refer API doc.

    The API’s for searching SCG/Specimen is yet to be implemented. Please let us know If these API’s are urgently needed, then we will add them.

    Also it will be better if you try out the things on the latest build. As some minor fixes are included in the latest build. Latest build is available on http://builds.catissueplus.org/.



    It would be advantageous for us here at Jefferson to be able to search for SCG/Specimen. We have a large backload to upload and if an SCG/Specimen, particularly an SCG is a duplicate I believe we need the identifier to connect it to other groupings.


    Fair enough @John_Reber, We will add these API’s and share the latest build with you. It might take 2-3 days to complete this.

    I hope this would be fine with you. Will update you once done.


    Hi @John_Reber,

    I have shared the latest OS installable which includes the API’s to search SCG/Specimen on the basis of label/barcode.

    The build is shared here and documentation is available on wiki.

    Please let me know if you face any issues.


    Hi @John_Reber,

    Have you deployed this build yet? If not, then please ignore this build, we found an issue in the API provided. We will provide a fresh build with fixes by weekend.

    Sorry for the inconvenience.


    Hi @John_Reber,

    The latest build is shared on release server. This includes all the fixes along with the search API’s for Participant/SCG/Specimen.
