First lets start with the defining what constitutes a distribution, shipment and transfer of specimens as these are three uniquely different activities and different institutions might view each of these as different things. We need to carefully define what each means to remove confusion between physically shipping a sample somewhere because they were distributed to a site and shipping specimen in OpenSpecimen (putting sample in a cooler and taking them to a new freezer).
Historically, I believe, this is how each function was intend for use, so I will refer to the application as caTissue.
Shipments- requirements: Two repositories must be on the same instance of caTissue and share the same collection protocol. Use case: Specimen are collected and store in one repository and then at some point, those specimens are sent to the other repository. A “shipment” is created that contains the specimens that will be sent to the other repository. The specimen are then sent electronically from one repository to the other. The receiving repository receives the “shipment” in CaTissue and selects a storage container in their repository for the specimens. The specimens are still active in caTissue and are can only be manipulated by repository 2 since the specimens are in their possession. Often times when this work flow occurs the specimens are not sent via FedEX, but are properly packaged and transported by foot to the second repository.
Transfer- When specimens are moved from one storage container to another within the same repository. Example: the specimens are stored in F1R1 B1 and then moved to F2R1B1 because freezer one has broke down.
Distribution An investigate has requested to have specimens pulled from a repositories inventory for the purpose of a test to be done on the sample or for some time of research purpose. The investigate may or may not be located at the same institution as repository, but the investigator DOES NOT use the caTissue application. The specimens will be pulled from the repository’s inventory and closed as they are forever leaving the repository. Often times these specimens are sent via FedEx to the investigator.
Now that I have said all that, does this still hold true to OpenSpecimen2.0? I think to answer the above question we need to not confuse what a shipment is and what a distribution is. Just because a specimen is sent via a courier (Ie FedEx) does not constitute a “shipment” in OpenSpecimen.