What screen is displayed after the user clicks submit? Are they given the option to print a distribution report then or does the user navigate back the order page like in Plus?
Q: What do you want it do?
Amy Response I would think that the users would want to immediately decide what fields they want in the distribution report and print/ export the report. I do not want to have to navigate to another screen (Biotab> Orders> pick the order> then export distribution) as that is too many clicks.
I would like to add a few thoughts to this topic from our groups perspective:
a. When we distribute samples to researchers for review or science, our template is in a packing slip format. It includes basics at the top such as, Project Name, Special Instructions/Comments field, Ship to Address (w/ Name, Address, Phone Number, and Email), Ship from Address, Date Shipped, Carrier Tracking Number, and Shipper Name. Then below all the basic info is the specimen info including (but could be dependent on the project as Amy suggests in her above comment from yesterday) Sample Type, Specimen ID/Label, Time Point, Qty, Volume/Size, Box Number, Slot Number.
b. When we return a sample to a site, our template is in letter format w/ (from top to bottom) Ship from Address, Phone, Email at top right, then Date, Ship to Address, Carrier Name, Attention To Name, CaTissue Distribution Identifier Code. Then there is the body of the letter stating “Dear CRA, Thank you for your submission of [# samples], for patient [#], study [#]. Our repository has taken the sampling needed for the study and have kept representative samples on file. Thank you again for your participation.” Following, there is an Enclosure field where we type in what is being returned (ex. 2 H&E slides), a field for the shipper/coordinators name and phone number, and lastly the Carrier Tracking Number. Obviously, this can be modified however needed moving forward but it is nice being able to send a letter format to sites because it provides the functionality to express different things such as “we were able to cut representative sections” or you can change that as needed to situations such as “we were not able to cut representative sections as the block is scant” or “this type of tissue is not requested per the trial requirements and is being returned to you”, etc., etc.
I agree with Amy in that it would be really nice if the user could define these templates when they make the Distribution Protocol. This way the report can be printed out as the packing slip and would then be added physically into the shipping package with the samples. Currently, CaTissue does not create such distribution reports, and/or there’s more work that has to go into making the report look the way you want it to (such as editing views), so it is quicker to create our Distribution Template in Excel and our Return Letter in Adobe. If OSv’s had this functionality built in when building the DP, all those steps would be eliminated making the process more efficient. Plus, if each report is saved in OSv’s, and linked to each sample included in the shipment via an event, then a user could review the report/distribution list at any time.
Food for thought