Is there a Specimen label token for - “today’s date”? Format editable, but ideally ‘yymmdd’
If not please could one be created. I think it would be very useful to all.
Many thanks,
Is there a Specimen label token for - “today’s date”? Format editable, but ideally ‘yymmdd’
If not please could one be created. I think it would be very useful to all.
Many thanks,
Hi @John_M,
No, there is no label token for “today’s date”. We will consider this for future release if there are requests from many users.
Hi @pgovindrao,
I’m happy to have a go at making one if there is a how to guide available.
Hi, @pgovindrao @Srikanth_Adiga2
I have developed a %TODAY_DATE% token for samples on Community Edition, tested and working on 6.1RC4 onwards. Please see the attached java file.
Pre-application build:-
Add java file to - “openspecimen-X.X\WEB-INF\src\com\krishagni\catissueplus\core\biospecimen\label\specimen” folder
Edit the “WEB-INF\applicationContext.xml” file to register the new java file. Search for ‘SpecimenYoc2LabelToken’, then add a new line below it:-
bean class=“com.krishagni.catissueplus.core.biospecimen.label.specimen.SpecimenTDLabelToken”/
You are welcome to add this to the current CE and EE versions of OpenSpecimen if you wish. The date is in the format ‘yyMMdd’, as this keeps the sample label length down, but can be edited as required in the java file.
SpecimenTDLabelToken.java (901 Bytes)