Hello Sri, Poornima,
So I am testing the different roles. I have an excel sheet with the functionalities, which I copied sometime ago from the website, for the different roles which I am following. I am now testing a Supervisor role, and here’s my findings so far:
A Supervisor can view map, can access bulk operations, can create queries, but cannot access the queries that were created by other roles, is this how it is supposed to be?
A Supervisor cannot access Specimen, participants and all info regarding a collection protocol, in my excel file a Supervisors can do that . I find it strange that a Supervisor can access the Collection and Distribution protocols but cannot access the specimen and participants. Is this a bug in the system ?
- Never Mind, I found it, they need to have access to the Protocol first -
When I try to register a participant, I get a system error: then after getting access to the CP got a : Access denied ! User does not have privilege to view this information.
Where do you have the most updated OS Roles and corresponding Functionalities on the wiki?