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  • Supervisor Role and Functionality Question?

    Hello Sri, Poornima,

    So I am testing the different roles. I have an excel sheet with the functionalities, which I copied sometime ago from the website, for the different roles which I am following. I am now testing a Supervisor role, and here’s my findings so far:

    • A Supervisor can view map, can access bulk operations, can create queries, but cannot access the queries that were created by other roles, is this how it is supposed to be?

    • A Supervisor cannot access Specimen, participants and all info regarding a collection protocol, in my excel file a Supervisors can do that . I find it strange that a Supervisor can access the Collection and Distribution protocols but cannot access the specimen and participants. Is this a bug in the system ?
      - Never Mind, I found it, they need to have access to the Protocol first

    • When I try to register a participant, I get a system error: then after getting access to the CP got a : Access denied ! User does not have privilege to view this information.

    Where do you have the most updated OS Roles and corresponding Functionalities on the wiki?



    Hello Nadia,

    You can find the different user roles in OpenSpecimen and their corresponding privileges here: https://catissueplus.atlassian.net/wiki/x/6IASAQ.


    Hello Kruti,

    Thanks for your response back.

