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    Trouble Storing Derivatives

    Hi, I’m Sean from The Ohio State University :cowboy_hat_face:

    I’m working on building out events in a CP. Why does OpenSpecimen change my settings when I select a derivative to be stored in the repository? I select a parent derivative to be stored, and then a child derivative. This changes the Parent to Not Stored. Then when I change the parent, the child is Not Stored. However, then after setting the child to be stored a second time, both are set to Yes, Stored in the repository. Is this a system setting or something that is going on in the background. I’d like to turn it off, at least while I’m building.

    Actually, the “Stored in Repository” button, when generating the derivative may not be working. :woozy_face:
    But it does work when editing the derivative.

    Hi Sean!

    I attempted this process: created a parent and stored it in the repository, then created a derivative and selected ‘store in repository.’ Although the parent remained stored, the repository status for the derivative incorrectly showed ‘no’ despite selecting the option to store it. I had to manually edit the derivative to set ‘Stored in Repository’ to ‘Yes,’ which eventually worked. This seems to be a bug. Have you submitted a ticket with Krishagni? I am using version 10.3.1.RC5.

    Thanks, Lee

    I believe this is the same issue that I reported last month. If you have access to the tickets, it is covered in OPSMN-6782 and is reported to be fixed in v12. But we have not updated to v12 yet, so I can’t report on functionality. We are currently using v11.2.RC8.


    we have v12 in a dev environment and it looks like it’s fixed.

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