• BLOG
  • Upgrade to v10.0.RC3: Changing field type from combobox to pvField is not allowed

    I’m trying to upgrade to v10.0.RC3, but the upgrade always errors with the message “Changing field type from combobox to pvField is not allowed” while creating bean ‘importSpeForms’.

    Can anybody offer any pointers on how to fix this?


    Richard Bramley
    NIHR Leicester BRC

    Hello @Richard_Bramley,

    Can you please share a complete os.log file with us? We have not faced this error before. We will analyze the log file and get back to you.


    catalina.out.txt (305.9 KB)

    Thanks for the help. I’ve attached the log file. See line 2293.

    I’m not a Java developer. I’ve amended it slightly to log the forms before it attempts to create them.

    If you can give me any ideas of what I can do to solve the problem that would be great.

    Hello @Richard_Bramley,

    1. Which MySQL version are you using to install the OpenSpecimen?
    2. To fix the SSL related error, you need to update the JDBC Url like below.
      A. Please open $TOMCAT_HOME/conf/context.xml file
      B. Search for url = “jdbc:mysql://<HOST_NAME>:<PORT_NO>/<DB_NAME>?useSSL=false”;
    3. Once updating the above, restart the Tomcat server.

    Please follow the above steps and let us know how it goes.

    Thanks for the help @Kaustubh_Wadagavi

    I’ve amended the JBDC as suggested, but it doesn’t solve the ‘Changing field type from combobox to pvField is not allowed’ error.

    We’re using MySQL 8.0.26.