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    User address fields to be removed in OS v2.0

    In OpenSpecimen v2.0, we plan to remove the address fields in User profile like city, state, country. We feel email ID and Phone number should be sufficient.

    Please get back to us before 12 Dec 2014, if you think this should be retained and for what purpose you use it.

    Poornima Govindrao, Senior Business Analyst
    Krishagni Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

    e: poornima.govindrao@krishagni.com | t: +91 9823020830

    I know I’m a bit late but I’m really not sure what to think about this. We have so many users (1000s) that I think the more info the better. We need addresses saved for some users so we know where to return samples. It was hypothetically stated that the address and contact information for each user/clinical research nurse or coordinator would be imported automatically from BioMS so that we wouldn’t have to type this data in via an event. Would the data be stored in the user profile? or on the Specimen Details page? This may need more brainstorming but those are my initial thoughts.

    Best, Rachel

    Hello Rachel,

    Thanks for your inputs. We have kept a free text optional address field in user page so that it is more flexible.


    @Rachel_Jewell regarding events, if a user’s address is stored, are you envisioning that address to be populated for an event? So if a specimen is shipped to/from particular users, would the users’ addresses be used within the shipment event?

    Hi @Matthew_Marcetich - Yes and no. Our set-up is a bit awkward. Our user profile information is imported from an external specimen tracking system (BioMS) which in turn pulls that data from the Alliance registration system. However, the address from which the specimens are physically shipped could be different. Because of this, we essentially need two areas to record this type of data. The user profile data (which is based on the site’s registration information) and the shipment event data (which is the information from which the samples are shipped). Between the two sets, we have enough information to return samples or contact sites successfully.

    The free text optional field should be OK, as long as there is a space to store the user data. Either way we’ll see, once we get OS working here at OSU, how or if our workflow would be affected. Thanks @pgovindrao!