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  • Visit Status Drop Down Options

    We are on V4.1 and in our drop down options for visit status we only see the standard three options which are Complete, Pending, Missed collections. But when we look at the Visit Status drop down options from the extras we see that there are 9 options but these additional options doesn’t show up when we are at the visit level, any Idea?

    The values in the visit status dropdown are controlled by the JSON file.
    Here are the visit status’ defined in the data dictionary section of our JSON file.

           "name": "visit.status",
           "caption": "Status",
           "type": "dropdown",
           "optional": true,
           "listSource": {
             "options": [
                 "value": "Pending"
                 "value": "Missed Collection"
                 "value": "Complete"
             "displayProp": "value",
             "selectProp": "value"

    The following link gives examples on how to modify the JASON file to customize the data input.

    If you want the visit status to use the values in the dropdown, modify the JSON file so the visit status looks like below:

           "name": "visit.status",
           "caption": "Status",
           "type": "pvs",
           "attr": "visit_status",
           "optional": true

    Thank you for that basic information, however, we are unsure where the JSON file is located. Any additional guidance would be appreciated.

    A default master OpenSpecimen JSON file can be downloaded from the following link https://openspecimen.atlassian.net/wiki/x/BIBlBQ.

    The link below gives examples on how to modify the JSON file.

    Here are the notes I have. No guarantees on its accuracy.
    OpenSpecimen JSON files.docx (403.8 KB)