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    Which SQL tools are compatible(+userfriendly) with Openspecimen?

    Dear all,

    As a future user of the openspecimen biobank, I would like to know which SQL tools are the most recommendable to use? If possible a top 3, starting with the most compatible and userfriendy tool.

    Looking forward hearing from you!

    Kind regards,

    Faisal, You can use any SQL tool of your choice. We do not have a preference.

    Note that we do not expect you will need to access the database of anything since all the operations are possible via the user interface and APIs. If you modify any data in the database via SQLs, it might lead to irreversible data corruption.


    Thank you for your reply, correct me if I am wrong. So the database will run in an (SQL)environment set up by Openspecimen together with customer?

    How about the maintenance of the data, who will be responsible and how can the data be extracted from the openspecimen database?